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  • The ultimate guide to selling on etsy

    The ultimate guide to selling on etsy

    “The Ultimate Guide to Selling on Etsy” by Jeanne Allen and Noelle Ihli is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to start or enhance their online business on the popular e-commerce platform, Etsy. With their combined expertise as successful Etsy sellers, the authors provide practical advice, tips, and strategies to help readers navigate the intricacies of setting up shop, attracting customers, and maximizing sales on Etsy. The book begins by introducing Etsy as a unique marketplace that focuses on handmade, vintage, and craft supplies. Allen…

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  • Ultimate course formula

    Ultimate course formula

    “The Ultimate Course Formula” by Iman Aghay is a comprehensive guide for aspiring course creators looking to design, develop, and launch successful online courses. Drawing from his own experience as a highly successful entrepreneur and course creator, Aghay provides a step-by-step blueprint for turning knowledge and expertise into a profitable online course business. The book begins by highlighting the immense potential of online courses as a means of sharing knowledge, impacting lives, and generating passive income. Aghay emphasizes the importance of identifying a profitable course…

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