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  • The Power of Onlyness

    The Power of Onlyness

    “The Power of Onlyness: Make Your Wild Ideas Mighty Enough to Dent the World” is a book written by Nilofer Merchant. It explores the concept of “onlyness” and how individuals can harness their unique perspectives and ideas to make a significant impact on the world. Drawing on personal stories, research, and real-world examples, the book provides insights and strategies for individuals to recognize and cultivate their “onlyness” and use it as a force for positive change. Merchant begins by introducing the concept of “onlyness,” which…

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  • Radical Candor

    Radical Candor

    “Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity” is an impactful book written by Kim Scott. In this compelling guide, Scott offers valuable insights and actionable advice for leaders who want to build strong, high-performing teams while maintaining authentic and compassionate relationships with their employees. The book begins by introducing the concept of Radical Candor, which is defined as the ability to provide direct feedback with a balance of care and challenge. Scott emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where open and…

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