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  • Selling the intangible

    Selling the intangible

    “Selling the Intangible” by Meera Kothand is a comprehensive guide that teaches professionals how to effectively sell and market intangible services. In a world where many businesses offer services rather than tangible products, Kothand provides valuable insights and strategies to help professionals overcome the unique challenges associated with selling services. The book begins by highlighting the shift in the business landscape, where intangible services have become increasingly prevalent. Kothand emphasizes the need for a different approach to selling compared to traditional product-based sales. She explains…

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  • The 10X Rule

    The 10X Rule

    Grant Cardone’s “The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” is a motivational and strategic guide that challenges conventional thinking and encourages individuals to set audacious goals to achieve extraordinary success. In this section, we will explore the fundamental concepts introduced by Cardone and the overarching philosophy of the 10X Rule. Cardone introduces the 10X Rule, asserting that to achieve exceptional success, one must set goals and take actions that are ten times greater than what they initially think is necessary. This philosophy…

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