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  • The intelligent investor

    The intelligent investor

    “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham is widely regarded as a timeless classic in the field of investment and finance. Originally published in 1949, this book provides invaluable insights and guidance on the principles of value investing. Graham’s approach emphasizes the importance of rational decision-making, thorough analysis, and long-term strategies to achieve sustainable investment success. The book begins by establishing the foundation of value investing. Graham introduces the concept of Mr. Market, an allegorical figure representing the stock market’s irrational and emotional behavior. He highlights…

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  • The metaverse

    The metaverse

    “The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find It, Who Will Build It, and Fortnite” by Matthew Ball is a comprehensive exploration of the concept of the metaverse and its potential impact on various industries. Ball delves into the history, technology, economics, and future possibilities of the metaverse, providing readers with a deep understanding of this emerging virtual universe. The book begins by defining the metaverse as a collective virtual shared space that is created by the convergence of augmented reality, virtual reality, and the…

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